Best relaxing tips
It can be tough to find the time and space to relax when life gets busy. Luckily, there are several simple relaxation strategies that you can use at any time to reduce stress and promote overall wellness.
Practicing meditation can help you calm your mind and body. It can also help you control anxiety and lower blood pressure, which can improve your overall health.
Breathing Techniques
Taking deep breaths can also help you relax. Try to take slow, even breaths that are longer than usual and pause between each one, noticing any sensations you feel along the way.
Another easy stress-relieving trick is to visualize a place that’s peaceful, quiet and safe. This can be a good way to get kids into the mindset of being in a calm place and reducing their stress levels.
Playing with a Stress Ball
If your child has a tendency to tense their muscles during stressful situations, a simple game of “squeezing the stress ball” can help them release some of that tension. A ball or mound of clay is a perfect choice, as it’s more durable and available in the moment than a formal stress ball, which they may be less likely to use.
Whether it’s a gentle class or an inversion pose, yoga has been proven to relieve stress by encouraging the body’s natural relaxation response. Plus, research shows that if you practice in nature, the benefits can be even more pronounced.
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